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Black Elk

Sacred Activism and the Great Midwife Warrior Lover Force

September 11th, 2013

a_harveyThe Awen Forum in Stroud hosted Andrew Harvey, author of The Hope: A Guide to Sacred Activism, last Sunday. A camera caught part of his presentation in which he evoked the Great Midwife Warrior Lover Force, which he states with great passion, can help you kick serious ass!

6 Responses to “Sacred Activism and the Great Midwife Warrior Lover Force”

  1. I was reminded of a poem (which later became a song) I wrote nearly twenty years ago: (I first sang it in public a few years ago on the coach, carrying Disparate Druids to Stonehenge for the annual OBOD Summer Solstice ritual 🙂 ) :

    A PASSION for this Earth I feel
    Compassion which is so so real.
    My blood flows through Earth’s laval veins
    My tears reflected in her rains.

    The winds which circulate the Earth
    Breath in and out of me from Birth
    The cyclic rhythm of her tides
    Is matched by how I feel inside.

    Yet most remarkable of all
    Open your heart to hear the call.
    The Essence which I know is me
    Is here in everything see..

    Love and blessings to all Midwife Warrior Lovers of this beautiful Earth

  2. The name of said “midwife” could well be “Shakti”, lol. Or in other terms, the Goddess. Or the Divine Feminine Principle. I think I´m going to get that book!
    Truth simply is, I´d love to “kick some serious ass”, particularly around OBOD, if I may say so.
    Be well,

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