Protect the Amazon Rainforest

This is a map location of the Amazon Basin. The yellow line encloses Amazon Basin as delineated by the World Wide Fund for Nature. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Brazilian Congress has just passed a catastrophic forestry bill that gives loggers and farmers free rein to cut down huge swaths of the Amazon. Now only President Dilma can stop it.
Fortunately, the timing is on our side — in weeks Dilma will host the world’s biggest environmental summit and insiders say she cannot afford to open it as the leader who approved the destruction of the rainforest. She’s facing mounting domestic pressure, with 79% of Brazilians rejecting this new bill. Now, if we join them we can turn up the global heat and push her to axe the bill, not the rainforest.
Dilma could make her decision any day. Let’s get her to veto the bill now. Click below to sign the urgent petition to stop the Amazon chainsaw massacre and if you have already signed — send this to everyone:
5 Responses to “Protect the Amazon Rainforest”
I signed!
Reblogged this on Adventures and Musings of a Hedgewitch.
It’s easy for us to sign a petition, and I did, but what can we do to help the country so that it doesn’t feel a need to do that? Are they hurting financially or is it a matter of the greedy ones in business just wanting more? We know it is a big part of the lungs of the world, but what right do we have to tell them to keep their forests while we continue to pollute and chop down trees unless we can make it worth their while?
Reblogged this on gedungsongo.
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