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Planning a Happy New Year

December 30th, 2017

Photo: Bob Fuhro

Every year, for the past twenty-five years, Stephanie and I have undertaken an exercise which we have found to be incredibly helpful in creating the lives we want to lead.

It began as an informal review on New Year’s Eve soon after we started living together. We looked back on the year that had passed, and then we talked about how we wanted our lives to unfold in the year that was about to begin.

Each year we developed this exercise, which many people undoubtedly undertake informally. Such an activity feels very natural, and of course the idea of the New Year’s resolution arises automatically out of this process of looking back on the year that has been, and then forward to the year to come.

But as we developed the exercise, we started to experience the fact that once we built on, intensified and elaborated, the two fundamental activities the exercise engages – of reviewing and envisioning – it became an experience that was truly magical, truly creative. It became, in essence, a means for us to create our future.

Let’s dive in and explore this in detail, so that you can make use of it yourself, or adapt it in ways that feel right for you. Read more

5 Responses to “Planning a Happy New Year”

  1. I always find your words uplifting and inspiring Philip so thank you for your time and wisdom.
    Magickal blessings for the year to come to you and your lover ones.

  2. Just what I needed… Enjoy your site very much.. Thanks for sharing your wisdom..And light.. Blessed Be..

  3. Blessings as we send the New Year from the New World to the Old. Blessings of Southern Summer Skies and the Pohutakawa Tree (The Ent Wives)
    Let my new year bring all I was meant to be. Let plans be fruitful and may I bend to the winds of change to see and sieze the gifts of the Wise Ones.
    Love to you all.
    Wild Bill Phillips

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