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Pagans & Pilgrims at Knowlton in Dorset

September 16th, 2014

In the following clip I talk with Welsh poet and TV presenter Ifor ap Glyn, at Knowlton in Dorset. A church was built here in the centre of a pre-Christian sacred site. This happened centuries ago, but we found evidence of Pagan practice occurring today. This is an excerpt from the BBC series ‘Pagans & Pilgrims’ based on the book ‘Britain’s Holiest Places’ by Nick Mayhew Smith.

Ok it was a bad hair day. I believed the Brylcreem tub that said ‘Achieve that iconic swept-back look’. I didn’t know I’d end up looking like the professor in ‘Back to the Future’.

8 Responses to “Pagans & Pilgrims at Knowlton in Dorset”

  1. video beautiful hair is ok I’m Italian can someone tell me what kind of trees were those of the video thanks.

  2. Very interesting and wonderfull filming of the scenery from above.

    Love the hairdo Philip, you look very young 🙂

  3. Very well done Philip, I loved it! And as for the hair, just don’t forget to mention the Flux Capacitor! 🙂

  4. Thanks for sharing with us Philip. Knowlton is just down the road from me and have got to know it very well and hold and be part of many rituals there. According to some dowsers they think there was up to 30 standing stones there. Indeed as you said it is part of the landscape and the shape of the henge bank does; when viewed from the gateways mirror the horizon.

    Shouldn’t worry about the hair, its always a bad hair day at Knowlton


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