There are some terms whose definition I consistently forget. Oxymoron is one of them…over the years I must have checked its meaning half a dozen times. Thank Heavens for the internet! Ten years ago Stephanie and I watched the Disney lecture on the Future (or some such title) while staying in Seattle. It wasn’t about cartoons but some serious talk by an esteemed professor. In it he was telling us that the internet was the most important invention since Gutenburg’s press. At the time I thought he was wrong, but of course he was right. I have walked into our house and there has been complete silence. In the office I find three people staring at screens, I then go into our daughters’ rooms and there they both are – online of course. My 22 yrd old son has popped in – to use the computer. And then of course I go upstairs and switch on too.
But what gems are there!
Now you can find more oxymorons than you could possibly want – plus a definition of what they are. Just go here!
Some of my favourites:
Auto Pilot, astronomically small, baggy tights, Corporate Culture!
6 Responses to “Oxymorons”
Sunrise is an all day miracle.
I was a dual English Literature/Computer Science student when the World Wide Web came to campus (in 1993). I published my first web page then and then remembered that old axiom that freedom of the press only applies to people who can own a press.
Well, the cost of owning a press had just dropped, for me, considerably. And it’s been my career and hobby ever since. And it’s been a fantastic boon to smaller interest groups like OBOD and AODA…
Yes indeed! I like the way the button I have to press to put a post up is just titled ‘Publish’
Instant publishing and it’s all free – I don’t pay a penny for this site – it’s extraordinary really!
I love these! The english language is such a great and wacky thing! They are very difficult to think of though – I can only think of pale sun – dim light – soft wood – dry wine – large smalls – and chilli (does the last one count?? :))
Yes I think chilli is a very good one.
Deafening silence is a good example!
And we really can’t ignore
“military intelligence”… 😀
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