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" Seek the truth and run from

those who claim to have found it "

after André Gide

Oscar Wilde, Wallpaper and Stripping

January 3rd, 2008

A month before Oscar Wilde died he is quoted as saying, “My wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. One or other of us has got to go.”

I am doing the same thing with this blog design. But unlike Wilde I think I’ll win – it’ll go on the traditional night that the Christmas decorations should come down – 12th night (6th Jan). And where Wilde would have had to get out of bed to start stripping (the wallpaper) I can simply press a button.

We’ve just got to put up with it until then!

4 Responses to “Oscar Wilde, Wallpaper and Stripping”

  1. That’s cool. Where I’m living, Trieste – Italy, the night of 5th January is when “La Befana” visits children bearing either sweets or coal. She is an old black shawled broom riding woman, although according to many Italians she is definately not a witch!!

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