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" Seek the truth and run from

those who claim to have found it "

after André Gide

Nakedness Again

November 2nd, 2007

I’ve got this Winter planned – I have a stack of ancient Naturist Magazines (most of which, in the 1930’s were proudly subtitled ‘The Official Organ of the Sunbathing Society/The Canadian Naturists and so on) and I shall study these organs by the warmth of the fire with mugs of cocoa laced with whisky.

Lest you should think this a trivial way to pass the time I must stress that this is serious research for a book called ‘A Brief History of Nakedness’ that I am writing. It will deal with the philosophical, psychological and spiritual dimensions of nakedness, as well as including some of the sillier aspects of human behaviour.

Since I need to focus on the book I’m going to use this blog as a common-place book mainly over the next few months. A place to put film clips, odd bits of research and so on, such as this short clip pasted below.

All very silly I know but we all need a break from the gloom of the economic and political situation and the art of healthy living involves the ability to explore both profound and trivial issues – to be fully human we need to be able to be serious and silly!

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.437929&w=425&h=350&fv=]

5 Responses to “Nakedness Again”

  1. Happy book, philipp!

    Do you have something about Isadora Duncan, who was a great dancer (in her time) in France, considered as a “nake dancer”? – begin of 20e siecle.

    Here – isle in Indian Ocean- nobody nake till few days : it’s summer and very cold!

    do you thing something about the new “correct”nakedness at the airport when people have to go through the security system?

  2. Ah I shall look for Isadora Duncan – thank you!
    There is an interesting connection between the nudist-dancing-gymnastic movements in the early 20th cent.

    I have seen it suggested that the only safe way to fly would be for all passengers to be naked. I am not sure what the ‘correct’ nakedness at airports is that you refer to!

  3. L’aéroport : pour les contrôles de police depuis “le 11 septembre” il faut de plus en plus se “déshabiller”, et très vite parce qu’il y a une foule qui doit passer, c’est une expérience… intéressante : plus de papiers d’identité, plus de papiers, plus de ceinture, de chapeau, de manteau, de sacs,… et même il faut parfois enlever les chaussures! – tu te sens comme tout nu parce que tu es dans un “milieu hostile”, inconnu, entouré d’étrangers; alors j’ai demandé à un employé : il va falloir bientot se mettre tout nu? – il a dit : pas encore, mais bientôt!…
    C’est un peu la même impression à l’hôpital, où on ne peut plus avoir de “pudeur”, plus rien n’est “à soi”.

  4. Philip – there is a new gadget at the airports that can see you as naked as the day you were born – all in the name of national security, of course. Think that this system is being trialled in one of the London airports?

    I don’t understand French, sadly, but am pretty sure that’s what Zil is talking abut 🙂

    Apologies to Zil if I am misrepresenting him.

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