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" One touch of nature

makes all the world kin "

William Shakespeare

Mt Haemus Lectures 2004

July 8th, 2008

Some projects take a while to come to fruition. Back in 2004 a couple of members kindly filmed the whole Mount Haemus Lectures event we held in a village hall in Appleton Oxfordshire. It took them 3 years to produce an edited version on DVD and it’s taken us another year to get some of it up on to Youtube. Here’s the first ten minutes of the event to give you a feel for what it was like. It was a lovely sunny day in a small Oxford village…about a hundred of us were in the hall…

3 Responses to “Mt Haemus Lectures 2004”

  1. I recognise that lady’s lovely voice – what a strange experience – I wasn’t expecting that!!!!!:) I’m reading Caitlin Matthew’s lecture at the moment and that is all about learning to remember. A very thought provoking lecture with another rather spooky coincidence regarding a certain poem!

  2. I know that voice too 🙂 Lovely to see the whole person, even if only on a small video.

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