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" A good traveller has no fixed plans,

and is not intent on arriving "

Lao Tzu

MAGUS 2017: Kindling the Fire

February 7th, 2017

Many thanks to David North for this guest post about the upcoming OBOD Mid-Atlantic Gathering.

MAGUS 2017: Kindling the Fire

There is a brand new OBOD gathering in North America that will kick off its inaugural event near Beltane this year, from the 4th through the 7th of May.  The first annual Mid-Atlantic Gathering, United States (or MAGUS, for short) will take place at Four Quarters Interfaith Sanctuary in the Allegheny mountains of southwestern Pennsylvania (  Four Quarters has been an ecological and earth-spiritual nature sanctuary since 1994.  Focused on tent camping, it features 240 rugged acres of woods and grassland, a 200-ft wide stone circle, labyrinth, fire and drum circle, and swimmable creek.  It’s the perfect site for a druid gathering!

The story of MAGUS starts with the U.S. East Coast Gathering (ECG):  An OBOD regional gathering held every September, near the autumnal equinox, in the Pocono mountains of Northeastern Pennsylvania.  ECG has established itself as a regional staple over the past 7 years, and as the OBOD community in North America continues to grow—currently numbering roughly 9000 members—the need for additional regional gatherings has grown as well.  ECG spawned the Gulf Coast Gathering (GCG), which is held in Louisiana near the vernal equinox, and MAGUS will become the third such OBOD gathering on the East coast of the United States—which some (predictably) liken to the third ray of the Awen.

Hosted by the Washington, D.C-based Seed Group of the Oak and Eagle, the theme for this inaugural MAGUS is “Kindling the Fire.”  While the fire theme works well with the event’s Beltane focus, it is primarily intended to pay homage to the foundational work done by ECG and GCG before it.  “Kindling the fire” is also about solving the problems and hurdles in one’s own life, and then spreading peace and love through positive action in the greater world around us.  The aim of MAGUS is to renew our connection with nature, practice the bardic arts, and strengthen our ties to our international OBOD family.

Featured guest Renu Aldrich, editor-in-chief of Druid Magazine, will present a workshop entitled, “Kindling the Spiritual Warrior.”  Other presenters include Wand C. (“Awakening Your Beltane Sensuality”), Dana Driscoll (“Land Healing on the Inner and Outer Planes), Dean Easton (“Kindling Our Sacred Fires”), and Barbara Pott (“Yoga for Druids II—Beltane Style!”).  Initiations for all three OBOD grades will also be offered for eligible OBOD members.

Find out more about MAGUS and register for the event at: