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Is God Still an Englishman?

October 23rd, 2010

2 Responses to “Is God Still an Englishman?”

  1. I’m an OBOD Ovate currently. I also have written and ghostwritten a few books but am lagging behind [?] in being published and well paid – but also in uploading YouTube video book promotional videos such as the one you have described.

    I’m not a British citizen but have hordes of English and Scottish ancestors, and lived over there for 5 years and became a mother over there. I found OBOD while living in England, but didn’t join until a few years later living in America.

    I think you’re right that people will tend to imagine God as one of their own people, especially when the nation is a world power – and as further evidence I was able to find paper fans with black Jesus at ‘black’ Protestant churches in America….

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