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after André Gide

Impeach Bush

March 14th, 2008

A poll conducted by the respected American Research Group in November shows increasing support for the impeachment and removal from office of President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.

A total of 64% of American voters say that President George W. Bush has abused his powers as president. Of the total, 53% say the abuses rise to the level of impeachable offenses and Mr. Bush should be impeached and removed from office.

A total of 70% of American voters say that Vice President Dick Cheney has abused his powers as vice president. Of the total, 61% say the abuses rise to the level of impeachable offenses and Mr. Cheney should be impeached and removed from office.

Campaign to Impeach Bush & Cheney

10 Responses to “Impeach Bush”

  1. Sadly, now that it’s basically too late. The Democrats should have moved when they first came to power in 2006 – but the majority was not strong enough, and they frittered away their limited power on behaving much like the Republican majority they replaced. Plus, they don’t dare now this close to the election… it would be played in the media as “punitive” and petty, and they would screw themselves in November.

    So, despite the fact that most people think Bush stinks, he will get away with everything.

  2. I agree with Erik – this is a poll that’s too late, so it’s without bite, except to possibly steer the election process.
    I am always concerned with polls like this – how can they ensure that they have properly contacted the 100% of voters to get the 64% response… and is the 64% response an accurate description of the 100% – or is this just those who like completing polls?

  3. In some ways it doesn’t matter what the public thinks. It’s whether there is evidence that the President has committed some crime, isn’t it? What are the grounds for impeachment, somebody remind me?

    Anyway, impeachment is just the process that the president goes through when Congress “tries” him/her. Clinton was impeached, but he was found innocent of whatever it was he was accused of … isn’t that right, or am I having a senior moment?

  4. This posting caught my eye because it doesn’t quite make sense given the lack of consensus on virtually anything in the US lately.

    I realize the president’s popularity is low but I don’t see that many people advocating an impeachment so I wodered about this polling firm. I did some quick searches and immediately found concerns about this particular polling firm. The lack of polling transparency is a huge concern. It’s also concerning that no other firms have published a poll on this issue. The possible conflict of interest I found is also a concern. Here’s some links. many question the methodology on party affiliation which would dramatically skew the results.

    There report card score by itself is horrible. These guys are three times more likely to record an error as say Gallup. What’s really concerning is the fact that this firm sells polling on advertising which means they have specific clients. They are a private company so they don’t tell us for example if thier biggest customers is say the DNC. These guys have some conflict of interest concerns that suggest they cannot be impartial. The poll you see is actually a form of advertising.

    The real question is who paid for that poll and why? Is it an attempt to sway opinion or unbiased polling? I have long been concerned about how a poll before an election can do anything other than affect voters views. SHouldn’t the energy be spent identifying the issues an the positions on those issues?

    Doesn’t a statement like “70% of the people say X” really a way to convince people to agree with the statement without discussing it’s merits?

  5. On closer inspection I think there’s a problem with the way you are interpreting this Philip, it does not appear accurate. One should also point out that the poll was timed right after the Scooter Libbey news last year. Emotions were understandably high then.

    Here’s a link to the actual poll numbers…

    As you can see the percentage of voters favoring impeachment of Bush was only 34% and the percentage favoring impeaching Cheney was only 43% even back then.

    But another problem has been noted with this poll… this poll eliminated hoseholds without phones which had increased quite a bit by that time due to cell phone and internet phone proliferation.

    Another problem has been reported in the accuracy of determining party affiliation for this survey.

    But the biggest problem is it is clearly biased by democrats and independents. the “all Voters” is a misleading statement. Democrats do not make up 38% and independents do not make up 33% of the voters.

    It’s an invalid sampling.

  6. I should correct a mistake I made… democrats actually do make up 38% of voters. What I meant to say is that the percentage of Independents and REPUBLICANS are switched in the sample. Republicans are about 33% and Independents are about 28% which is the reverse of the poll percentages. It is certainly enough to seriously skew the results.

    Another problem is the sample size… In my opinion they didn’t ask nearly enough people for any degree of accuracy. One would expect 10 to 20 times the number of interviews.

    Please forgive my mistake.

  7. Now I won’t go so far as to say we should let that stop us from impeaching him! Laff… I say we elect the Dalai Lama!

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