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" One touch of nature

makes all the world kin "

William Shakespeare

I like worms: They don’t sting and they don’t have germs

November 12th, 2009

We need new nursery rhymes and songs that reflect the very different world we live in now…  OBOD member Claire Gilbert has created some fabulous new songs with great lyrics like: ‘I like worms: They don’t sting and they don’t have germs’. From her websection on ReverbNation:

Claire is a nursery nurse and has worked with young children in many different settings since 1991. Throughout that time she has enjoyed most of all encouraging and developing the children’s interest in music and in the natural environment, both of which she is passionate about. Although she fully appreciates the rich heritage and musical importance of nursery rhymes, she thought it was about time someone came up with some new material for children to enjoy that reflects the wide range of cultures and influences within the modern UK population. So with a sprinkling of inspiration she started to write some herself.

Paul is an accomplished musician experienced in composing, performing, recording and producing many different genres of music. He has been the front man of the UK’s premiere Jethro Tull tribute band The Dayglo Pirates for 11 years and is one half of the rock duo Sossity, writing and performing new and exciting material with his wife Marcie, an accomplished singer and flautist. He also composes and records ambient music as a solo artist.

We have been developing this music together, writing parts to be played on real instruments to create a full and unique sound, in contrast to the cheaply made synthesised music that is more often available for young children these days. We believe that they deserve better efforts… Hear the music now!