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" The songs of our ancestors

are also the songs of our children "

The Druid Way

Gothic Image Sacred Scotland Tour

December 19th, 2014

From the 10-12 July 2015, Stephanie and I will be joining Jamie George and Linda Marson on the Gothic Image Sacred Scotland Tour. Here is some information about the Tour, links to the itinerary and registration pages, and a couple of short films to whet your appetite! Gothic Image have also published a book by Marianna Lines entitled The Travellers Guide to Sacred Scotland: A Guide to Scotland’s Ancient Sites and Sacred Places.

SacredScotlandBook-154x300“The roads and waterways I’ve travelled over the past two weeks can be traced on a map of Scotland. But there is no map of the inner landscape of memories, images and emotions that poured forth as the spirit of place in this timeless land led me home, ” says Linda Marson.

“I saw the remains of sacred sites, followed streams and waterfalls through fairy glens, lay atop a magic mountain and soaked up the sun and the breeze of a fairytale landscape. No guide to this inner journey is needed, you simply live in the moment and trust what you see and feel.”

Linda, a tarot author and teacher, returns as special guest on the 2015 Scotland to help you use the tarot to interpret your inner landscape as you travel the magical outer landscape of this timeless land.

Anyone who’s been on a Gothic Image tour through Scotland will tell you it’s not only good for the soul but good fun! You travel in a small group of like-minded people with tour leader, Jamie George, himself a Scotsman who loves to share the secrets of his homeland with you.

Tour highlights include:
15th century Rosslyn Chapel with its ornate, arcane carvings, including many depictions of the pagan Green Man
The enchanted fairy glen at Rosemarkie
 Islands of Orkney with their wealth of pre-historic sites – the 3000BC village of Skara Brae, the Neolithic stone circles of Stennes and Ring of Brodgar and the burial chamber of Maes Howe.
 Joining the tour on Orkney in 2015 will be Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm from the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids. Their knowledge of the Druid tradition will add a fascinating dimension to the sites we visit in Orkney and other locations.
The Callanish complex of megalithic sites on the island of Lewis
 The stunning fairytale landscape on the island of Skye
 The beautiful island of Iona which radiates a special energy that brings peace to your soul.

Click here to download the full itinerary. If you have any questions about what to expect on the tour, please email Linda Marson –

Click here to register online.


2 Responses to “Gothic Image Sacred Scotland Tour”

  1. How wonderful! I can personally attest to the magic of Gothic Image Tours. I have been fortunate enough to travel with Jamie twice – once on the Gothic Image tour of Arthurian sites (where Philip facilitated ceremony at Stonehenge, and where I first learned of OBOD), and again years later when Jamie did a private tour for us making my wedding dreams come true. Jamie is a gracious and informed host, and I found all of the guest speakers interesting and delightful. Truly a life changing experience.

  2. Yes- and the cup and ring marks with straight lines- astronomical alignments on the stones around Kilmartin Glen would be worthy of being on the tour too- associated with the church cemetery containing the largest number of ‘Templar tombs’ and the nearby temple wood, and of course Dunadd…

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