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Black Elk

Goddess Magic in the Blue Mountains

April 11th, 2009

As those of us in the northern hemisphere yearn for more light, our friends in the southern hemisphere are moving into the dark cycle of the year. Here’s a beautiful clip from a pagan group in the majestic Blue Mountains of Australia:

6 Responses to “Goddess Magic in the Blue Mountains”

  1. Such beautiful and moving words. The Persephone myth is a very powerful one, one that has great resonance for me, as I’m sure it does for many others. What a wonderful ritual space too.

  2. Thanks for pointing this out, Philip. Itis inspirational to connect across miles around the world and be reminded we are of one spirit.
    In one Sunday afternoon I was reading your blog from the UK, viewing the California Tree Spirits, watching a wonderful video from Africa featuring body painting and plant crowns, and then was off to Australia to visit their moon court at Mabon. All from the wilds of Wayne Co. NY. I’d love to send you the African video but I haven’t figured out how to do that on your blog. Any ideas?

  3. Hi! Yes that is one of the great wonders of being alive today – being able to learn so much and to have such wide horizons.
    The only way I think is for you to simply paste the URL of the video into a comment and then anyone can click on it to see it.

  4. Beautiful to watch, thank you for sharing.

    I thought the charge of the goddess went even further back and it was first described in Lucius Apuleius’s The Golden Ass, but perhaps they have nothing to do with each other.

    Anyway, inspiring video!

  5. Dear All,

    This beautiful and moving ritual was created and enacted by my friend and fellow Goddess Scholar – Glenys Livingstone.

    The lovely ritual space is the
    PaGaian MoonCourt at Bru-na-Bigtree Blue Mountains Australia – Glenys’ home.

    For more wonderful resonance, also see her PaGaian website at: – another special ritual space with wonderful writings around the Wheel of the Year and much, much more!

    Love to All from
    Abonba’s Mountains – Black Forest
    and the Heguaer Bethland


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