Get motivated!
If you’ve spent a lifetime convinced of the value of positive thought, and trying to ‘do the right thing’ in every situation, you’ll need a holiday every now and then to the ‘other side’. For such a refreshing experience of a completely different perspective I recommend some good books, some cartoons and the odd poster for your wall. Here’s the Resource Guide:
Charles Saatchi’s Be the Worst You can Be: Life’s Too Long for Patience & Virtue – often very silly but with some gems. Quick to read, it gives the feeling one has sat down with the devil in a cafe and fallen into conversation with him. He’s grumpy and cynical, but he’s also funny, refreshingly honest and sometimes insightful, as in ‘Experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted’.
Chicken Poop for the Soul: Stories to Harden the Heart & Dampen the Spirit by David Fisher – a parody on the cheesey ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’ series.
God is My Broker: A Monk-Tycoon Reveals the 7.5 Laws of Spiritual and Financial Growth by Brother Ty. A spoof based on Deepak Chopra’s and Antony Robbins’s work. I laughed so much when I read this I almost missed a plane.
How to be a Complete and Utter Failure in Life, Work and Everything by Steve McDermott. I haven’t read this, but it’s had good reviews.
I Have Abandoned my Search for the Truth and Am Now Looking for a Good Fantasy by Ashleigh Brilliant. See his website.
Go to for a full range of items. You can see one of their posters below and their website explains their uplifting philosophy:
MOTIVATION. Psychologists tell us it comes from within. Common sense tells us it can’t be manufactured.
So how is it that a multi-billion dollar industry thrives through the sale of motivational products and services? Because, now as in ages past, people desperately long to believe in simple solutions to complex problems. And when desperation has disposable income, market opportunities abound.
At Despair Inc., we believe it’s time people face the truth- that any kind of motivation you can buy isn’t worth owning, and in the end will result only in further demoralization. Given that inevitable fact, we’d like to invite you to skip the delusions that motivational products induce and head straight for the disappointment that follows!
Our legendary Demotivators® posters invented and perfected The Art of Demotivation™. They’re virtually guaranteed to leave you feeling every bit as depressed and uninspired as even the most sappy and insipid motivational poster might, without first subjecting you to the agonizing indignity of misplaced hope!
4 Responses to “Get motivated!”
Hadn’t seen this particular poster from, but I love it!
Having a few days at the ocean next week – you’ve just supplied my beach reading. Wonderful, thanks!
Hi philip
i have to say i love the site as the posters have the ability to make me crease up with laughter in that ‘I’m not taking life seriously, and I’m having a day on the dark side’ sort of a way. Bought myself a calender for my office for this year and it reduced my colleagues to tears of laughter.
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