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" Seek the truth and run from

those who claim to have found it "

after André Gide

Fire in the Heart – Tracking the Poetry of Our Lives

February 10th, 2016

Jay Ramsay and Peter Owen-Jones will be at the Schumacher College this April, offering a five day course that explores the deep spiritual guidance that can come when we fully and authentically engage with our creative selves, especially through the transformative power of writing. They will be joined via Skype by author and founder of the Institute of Sacred Activism, Andrew Harvey.  What follows is some information from the Schumacher College website about the aims of the course. It will run from Monday 11th April to Friday 15th April 2016. Click here for further details.

In this challenging and destabilising time of change, we need to open up more and more to our own guidance, our own wisdom and our own authority. One place to look for such guidance is in what we create, from the deepest, most authentic and radical part of who we are, from the poet that lives inside all of us.

As we move into a new year, we open a space for you to come and discover your own inner guidance and wisdom and unlock the path to your own development, through poetry and creative writing. We will be using a series of tried and tested exercises designed to spark and unravel your own inner expression. 

You will be working through imagination and feeling, on your own, with each other, and in the natural environment. There will also be time for one to one work and feedback/tuition within the group sessions. Come home feeling recharged and more able to find the way on your journey through life.

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