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Finding Hope & Inspiration Even in Times of Trouble

January 7th, 2020

3 Responses to “Finding Hope & Inspiration Even in Times of Trouble”

  1. Feeling so overwhelmed and powerless here in Australia, your tarot guidance and Sacred Grove meditation felt a true elixir and motivational surge out of ever-loitering despair. Thank you and bountiful blessings! Rachael

  2. Greetings Philip. Thank you for the Blessed Tea Time & Meditation. Yes, the Princess of Wands is the Perfect card! Fred Adams (of Feraferia) taught us that the “Time” of the “Maiden Goddess” is needed, to bring playful, joyful, merciful love, energy, healing & transformation to the planet.

    Her powerful Light shines on the dark forces; exposing what needs to be known, in order for Us to help Her Transform & Heal Gaia & All Her Beings. She has strength, determination, & the power of the Mother & Crone in her DNA. I wrote a series of Maiden Goddess songs between 1988-1991.

    The Eight of Pentacles is also perfect. We need to see & then manifest our visions, dreams and goals on this material plane for ourselves and Gaia. Yes, we do then need the steady, focused progress (& attention to detail), so that we can achieve success on all levels (in a grounded, balanced way), for the benefit of All. I’m loving the “Transformation Through the Tarot” course, and the Private Magician’s Club. Thank You So much for these opportunities. Bright Blessings /|\

  3. Thank you for your talks and inspiration. I only jrecently started the Druid Path as a beginner…. This is very helpful to reconnect to nature, music, art , life and a very painful body which made me anxious, scared to go outside and enjoy life.

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