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" A good traveller has no fixed plans,

and is not intent on arriving "

Lao Tzu

Finding Calm

July 12th, 2010

I love the summer, but it also tends to be rather frenetic here at Casa Gomm. Does the summer tend to be a frenetic time for you too? Here is a poll to help me determine if our family is unusual in this respect!

The solution? Apart from the three Sss (or is it four? 🙂 ) of swimming, sleeping and sunbathing, meditation is what seems to work best to counteract stress, so Damh and I, with the help of music from Charlie Roscoe, Nigel Shaw and Jonny Robels, have created a set of five guided meditations to help reconnect with the elemental forces of nature. The meditations are gathered into an album available for download and called ‘Wild Wisdom Meditations’ and this is available on itunes or CD Baby here. Each of the first four meditations are very different – the first one earthy, the second ‘watery’ and so on, with the final fifth offering a deep relaxation that connects you to all four elements. To give you a feel for what they are like, and whether they work for you, you can listen to this fifth one here. It lasts about 20 minutes so please only listen to this when you have at least 25 minutes of undisturbed time ahead of you. Do not listen to it in a public place, while traveling, or where you might get disturbed or interrupted.

4 Responses to “Finding Calm”

  1. The fourth S? Skiing..Sausages..Sky-diving…Scrabble?!? None of these help me to relax! The CD looks wonderful -can’t wait to hear it!

  2. I journeyed through the Earth meditation not an hour ago, and thought as I regained awareness of my body and surroundings that I was trembling.

    Then I realized that it was more of an internal humming throughout my being, the vibrant peaceful delight of having re-centered and truly let some things go that were clinging like spiritual dirt to me.

    Thank you for such a beautiful gift. Bright blessings to you and happy Tuesday! 🙂

  3. I just came back from that magical place in North Bretagne where your 5th meditation took me…Thank you Philip !
    Sandwiches ? you spent too long with the Dutch LOL ! I was more thinking about a short but powerful word that would get me some points at Scrabble *grin*
    French full of energy hug,

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