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" Seek the truth and run from

those who claim to have found it "

after André Gide

Every Day I Bear Witness – Did You Write this Poem?

July 25th, 2013

Last week I walked past a weaver. She asked me if I had written a poem that she had stuck in her shop window.

I read it. I was flattered she thought I had written such a good poem. I said No I hadn’t, but I would try to find out who wrote it. Did you?

Every day I bear witness
to some inevitable and inconspicuous unravelling.

In the quiet time of my morning vigil
I lovingly and relentlessly comb out
the strands of old, unnecessary past-times,
thanking them for the lessons,
letting them know it is time now
for them to rest.

This intimate gathering of what
no longer needs to be believed,
this careful placing down,
day after day,
of threads
allows them to be woven
into the fine mesh of
my life.

For, without them, I would not
have this extraordinary tapestry,
this story to tell, this poem to write.

I witness an empty space,
full of possibilities.


A comb and other things from Zaire

3 Responses to “Every Day I Bear Witness – Did You Write this Poem?”

  1. …as I have written a series of books entitled ‘Silver’s Threads’ I wish I could say it was me ….absolutely stunning piece ,,,thank you ,,,Penny

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