Preface to Druid Magic by Nicholas Mann & Maya Magee Sutton
Three people who will please the Gods: they who love all living beings with all their heart, they who love every beautiful thing with all their strength, and they who seek every knowledge with all their understanding.
A triad of Druid wisdom
Many people think that hardly anything is known about the spiritual traditions of our ancestors. They think that the knowledge of the Druids is all but lost. But this is not true: the reality is that we now have so much information about Druidry, and there are so many new developments in Druidry as a living spirituality, that we need guides to help us follow this ancient but ever-new tradition. And this book by Nicholas Mann and Maya Sutton is just such a guide. There are many books now on the history of the Druids – on their philosophy and their spirituality. But there are very few books like this one: that take us by the hand and show us in a practical, down-to-earth way how we can walk the Druid path today.
If we feel moved to accept the invitation of this book, a whole new world will open for us – a world of magic and inspiration. And the purpose of Nicholas’ and Maya’s book is to show us how this new world is both ancient and eternally fresh – how Druidry can act as a well-spring of spiritual energy and direction from a source rooted in the Timeless, but anchored here in this world of Time, in the ancient memories of myth and legend that can be used by us today to follow a path of great depth and beauty.
Philip Carr-Gomm
Lewes, Beltane 1998