Errata for Book of English Magic
Blog reader Paul writes: Hi Philip, glad to hear The Book of English Magic has come out in paperback and that you are happy with it.
For those of us with the hardback version, could we get a list of errata to keep with it? Maybe publish it as a post here?
Good idea Paul. Here it is!
1. On the map of England key, we had the Shell grotto and Chislehurst caves the wrong way round. The Shell grotto, marked at 21, should be 45 and 45 should be matched with Chislehurst Caves.
2. In Tolkien’s bio, on p.90, we had the mum and dad’s death the wrong way round in para 2: Change to: His father died when he was four, his mother when he was twelve.
3. On page 474, delete – ‘the current head of the Society of Inner Light’ and rephrase sentence – ‘The books and website of Gareth Knight are well worth researching. With over 50 years experience of magical studies, including with the Society of Inner Light, Gareth Knight, in his own words ‘learned a great deal through a long if bruising association with the redoubtable old occultist W.G.Gray and a creative interchange with a fellow one-time student of his, R.J.Stewart.’
4. p.439 para 2: ‘Between 1935 and 1939 she lived’ change to worked
5. p.447 ‘Madeline Montalban was the magical name of Dolores North’ change to Madeline Royals
6. On pp 483 and 484: Change text to:
Over a thousand years ago, the wind-swept seaside town of Whitby in Yorkshire played host to one of the most significant church synods in British history. The Synod of Whitby in 664 is seen by many as the turning point in the subjugation of the early British or Celtic Church to the power of Rome[i] <#_edn1> , and it was here one summer in the 1970s, in the house probably occupied by Bram Stoker, the author of ‘Dracula’, that a number of ritual magicians informally gathered to experiment with new ways of working magic.
By the end of the summer the experiment was over, but it acted as a formative experience for the people involved, and was symptomatic of the change occurring in the magical world, that was also expressed by a mercurial mathematician and ex-Eton schoolmaster Lionel Snell who, under the pen-name of Ramsey Dukes, wrote SSOTBME and Thundersqueak – books that suggested new approaches to magic, and which stimulated the minds of magicians in other parts of the country, in particular in Bristol with aromatherapy oil importer Peter Carroll and in Deptford with the writer Ray Sherwin.