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" The world is mud-luscious

and puddle-wonderful "


Éigse 2019

May 25th, 2019

Eimear Burke

Paul Corcoran

Éigse is a fabulous event taking place in the heart of Ireland on the 9-11 August  2019. It is organised by our new Chosen Chief in waiting Eimear Burke and OBOD members Paul Corcoran and Anna Coote. They extend a warm invitation to their gathering and celebration for all those with an interest in, or currently practicing, Celtic Spirituality and ‘Nature-based’ religions. All are invited to a wonderful weekend of talks, workshops, talking circle, fireside music, storytelling, drumming, craft stalls and more. Druids, Shamans, Pagans, Celtic

Anna Coote

Christians, Academics and respectfully interested individuals… all are welcome! To book tickets and for more information do please visit the Éigse website.