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" Seek the truth and run from

those who claim to have found it "

after André Gide

Ecstasies Beyond Telling

July 21st, 2009

In one creative thought a thousand forgotten nights of love revive, filling it with sublimity and exaltation. And those who come together in the night and are entwined in rocking delight do an earnest work and gather sweetnesses, gather depth and strength for the song of some coming poet, who will arise to speak of ecstasies beyond telling.

Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

3 Responses to “Ecstasies Beyond Telling”

  1. Both this and the quote on love and friendship are very beautiful, Philip. I have copied them into my little notebook that I carry everywhere. Intrigued, I searched for the letters on the net and am going to print them out and read them through properly – what I have read so far I have found very moving. It feels a little strange to read only one half of the correspondence – I found myself wanting to see the words that had inspired these wonderful replies. It must have been extraordinary for that young man to open and read these; they really aren’t your run of the mill letters, are they? They read like a man pouring his soul onto the page – very powerful. I keep thinking of those ‘packets’ that you talked about with regard to Rilke. I think he must mention these in the letters too?

    Thank you for posting these Philip. Another inspiring path to wander down! I think I am going to really enjoy reading them. That young poet was a very lucky man – he must have treasured every word.

  2. Yes I wonder who the young man was, or maybe he was imaginary? Here’s another quote from that collection:
    “He, who considers it seriously, finds that as for death, which is difficult, so for love, which is difficult too, no explanation or solution, no hint or path has yet been found out; and for these two charges, which we carry covered up and hand on afterwards without opening them, no common rule based on an agreement can possibly be discovered. But in proportion as we begin to try to live as individuals, so will these great things come nearer to meet us as individuals.” Rilke

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