Earth Protection Meditation/Ritual for 28 Sept Noon
At the heart of Druidry, and every religious, magical and spiritual understanding of the world, lies the belief that the realm of Soul, Mind and Imagination is causal to the physical world. Working at this subtle, ‘invisible’ level creates changes in the visible world.
If you hold to this view, and if you would like to protect the Earth from the invasive and toxic process of fracking, you might like to join in spirit with thousands of people around the world who will be holding rituals and meditations at 12 noon GMT on Saturday 28th September 2013. On the slopes of Glastonbury Tor at this time, at least a thousand people will gather to hold such a ritual. For info see
Participate in whatever way you wish. No one person or group has organized this initiative – it is an example of a spontaneous collective response to a threat to Mother Earth.
Perform whatever ritual or activity you know that helps you connect to the level of Soul/Mind, whether that is just lighting a candle or creating sacred space through casting a circle, honouring the directions, saying a prayer – whatever it is.
Sense the Earth beneath you and then gradually extend your awareness to include the area you want to focus on – that may be your county, the British Isles, another country, or the whole Earth.
Without straining, just sense this land stretching out around you, and then think or say:
May the Spirits of the land, of the four directions, protect the Earth, our home. May there be no fracking (wherever you wish to protect ie in Albion, in Colorado, on the Earth)!
Around the world people have gathered to feel the Earth beneath them, strong and firm. Sense the presence of all those rituals and meditations around the world that are being held at this time to protect Albion and protect the entire Earth. Sense this network of light around the earth growing in strength and radiating out like sun beams across the land, connecting all those who stand at this same time with this same intention. Think or say:
There will be no fracking in ……. !
Together we gather with our ancestors to ensure: there will be no fracking in….!
We gather with the stones of destiny, with the spirits of all who are true and free, to state in every direction: there will be no fracking in ….!
Having said these statements with the firm conviction that this will come true, move from being emissive and active in your mind to relaxing and just feeling the Earth beneath you, and know in your heart and mind, with absolute certainty: This land will not be desecrated. Send out the thought with quiet and firm conviction: This land will not be subject to violation. This land will not be fracked. It will not be attacked in this way. It will be defended. They will not come. They will not come.
If it feels right, say: I swear to serve, guard and protect the earth. By the God and Goddess, by the gods and all their powers, by the sun and moon, this land shall be held safe. These islands (or the area chosen) shall be protected.
Raise your hands outwards in protection, chant three ‘Awens’ or drum if wished.
Sense again the presence of all those rituals and meditations around the world that are being held at this time to protect Albion and protect the entire Earth.
Feel this network as a shield of energy over the Earth. If you wish to use a sigil as a symbol for this, someone has created one for this time:
Stay with this sense of a shield as long as feels right and then gently let go of all thoughts and vizualisations. Touch the earth with the palms of your hands, to send your love to the Earth and to ground yourself. Say ‘So may it be’ or ‘May only good prevail’ followed by ‘This meditation/ritual is finished in the apparent world, may its effect continue to protect the Earth for all time.”
NB If you are undertaking this for a part of the Earth where there has already been fracking, such as Pennsylvania or Colorado, you may want to imagine as you say each time ‘There will be no fracking’ the rigs being dismantled, the industry leaving.
11 Responses to “Earth Protection Meditation/Ritual for 28 Sept Noon”
Splendid idea! Will try to get this going in the US as well. Thanks, Philip.
Reblogged this on simonhlilly and commented:
simple is always best. This is a simple and elegant suggestion to align with strong forces of positivity and protection. Wherever you are.
I’m IN.
I think this a powerful idea and will be joining in on Saturday. For me, ritual is a wonderful way of breaking through mental and emotional blocks when you’re uptight about something – afterwards I feel calmer and often inspired regarding the next steps to take. And I do find it makes a difference in the here & now, not just within myself.
But I think we also need to think beyond the ritual as well. As followers of the druid way we are privileged in that we can make use of ritual. But many, many others (who would shy away from anything druidic) are despondent about the threat to the land – fracking, building on green belt land & national parks, proposed new roads, etc. We need to support them, by example, by talking to them, by encouraging them to take some sort of action even as simple as sending an email or supporting a petition, so they feel they have a voice and can make a difference. I would say inertia and despondency of the silent majority is the greater threat here, not the grasping activities of the greedy of this world.
We need to help people to see themselves as co-stewards of the land, not as mere statistics to be manipulated or ignored. A positive attitude, not resignation. And for me the ritual on Saturday will be an important step towards co-stewardship of the land.
Blessings on all
Lesley Salchert
Yes I agree Lesley – well said! SEE:
for examples of 3 initiatives to address the apathy/sense of disempowerment.
Blessings, Philip
Hi Perry,
Thank you! I like what you say in your blog: “I hope those who stepped in to help yesterday don’t just consider it a one time thing. Dripping water hollows rock. I will be repeating this frequently until the fracking problem really does cease.” I’m just waiting for photos and then I will write up what happened at Glastonbury on this blog – it was fantastic! 🙂
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