Colossal Stupidity
July 11th, 2008
When I started this blog I promised myself it wouldn’t be all deep thought and no fun, so if you’ve got a few moments and enjoy ‘colossal stupidity’ zip over to the blog that celebrates human failure and inadequacy in all its glory – with photos and videoclips chronicling just how stupid some of us can be. I particularly enjoyed the dyslexic Satanist’s graffiti that shocked passers-by with a pentagram and the terrifying message ‘Hail Satin!’
Thanks for this link from your carrot award-winning blog Riverwolf!
4 Responses to “Colossal Stupidity”
Life can certainly feel far too serious at times. Have just read about a wonderful encounter that a man had with two ravens. I read it in the wonderful ‘Bird Britannica’. This particular man was watching the ravens ‘snow bathe’ on a slope, when one of them suddenly flipped over onto its side, and then its back, and preceeded to slide down the hill head first! When it reached the bottom, it walked back up to the top and slid down again, repeating this several times. I keep imagining this raven reaching the bottom and each time shouting excitedly ‘Again! Again!’ Sledging ravens really do remind you that life is fun!
Oh Philip… what is this life if full of care….we have no time to stand and laugh at ourselves and even better…. make others laugh too. With this crazy world and all it’s troubles, it’s a small price to pay if we can lighten someone elses spirit. Life is too short as it is. I would rather die laughing than crying! lol.
In love and light
and the brightest blessings,
Pixie sue xxx
Nice one, Philip – a little light relief!
I particularly liked “Towing Capacity Fail” lol!
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