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" A good traveller has no fixed plans,

and is not intent on arriving "

Lao Tzu

Celebrating Life

August 11th, 2018

OBOD member Ingrid Bertrand is a psychologist, life coach, celebrant and gifted photographer. Ingrid came to OBOD at a time when she was battling cancer, and through her re-connection to nature found a profound healing. I am delighted that Ingrid now has a YouTube Channel where she speaks about her experiences, sharing her wisdom and insights. I include one of her lovely videos here, which has optional subtitles (just click on the subtitle button in the lower right had corner). Ingrid’s Channel can be found here and her website here. Ingrid can also be found on Instagram -@ingridjbertrand – where she shares many of her stunningly beautiful images.

5 Responses to “Celebrating Life”

  1. A beautiful and inspiring video. Thank you Ingrid and thank you Philip for sharing the link.

  2. Great video’s, clear insights and beautiful photography, can open a door to many on the path. Thanks for sharing Philip ! jol

  3. Beautiful video. Thankyou Ingrid. I get inspired by plants and animals and I hope to work with them to show myself to the world. Blessings

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