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" Seek the truth and run from

those who claim to have found it "

after André Gide

Calling All Druids!

October 2nd, 2014

webpearlsAn invitation from Earth Web to all Druids:

‘Hail and blessings!

Earth Web is an international ceremony to protect the land from fracking. Your group is hereby invited to create your own contribution to this worldwide magickal working.

Our intent is to create a web of protection and empowerment across the globe. We invite you to work with your own landscape, to make the places you hold sacred part of a web that magickally protects the Earth and all of its people.

The cancer of fracking has spread to the four corners of the globe. Even if you are not living in an area affected, taking part in this event will help those who are. It has been fed back to us that, simply knowing people all around the world care enough to gather in this way, lights a beacon of hope in the hearts of those whose lives and health have been destroyed by these practices.

For instructions on how to get involved, please go here:

If you are in any way adding to the Earth Web, please join us on the Facebook Event page:

For more information about fracking and The Warrior’s Call, please go here:

Our Facebook page is here:

In conjunction with this global event, The Warrior’s Call will be holding a large-scale public ritual at Avebury stone circle in Britain. For more information about this event, please go here:

Please help create this global act of spiritual solidarity. Join this international wave of activity, and let’s make this – The Warrior’s Call’s third world ritual – the biggest event yet.

Blessings to you, blessings to your land,
