Break the Wineglass!
If you pop by this blog now and again you might not have seen it, but if you are a subscriber you will have got an email post from me a few days ago with Ronald Hutton’s talk in it. My wonderful assistant Maria put it up on the blog without realizing that I wouldn’t want it there, being the sort of self-effacing bloke that I am. So, when I saw it, 30 mins later, I took it down. We’ve already had the talk on the last Druidcast podcast and that’s enough I reckon, so my apologies!
Now for something inspiring!
It’s the old rule, that drunks have to argue and get into fights. The lover is just as bad. He falls into a hole, but down in that hole he finds something worth far more than money or power. Last night the moon came dropping her clothes in the street. I took it as a sign to start singing, falling up into that bowl of sky. The bowl breaks. Everywhere is falling everywhere. Nothing else to do. Here’s the new rule. Break the wineglass, and fall towards the glassblower’s breath. – Rumi
3 Responses to “Break the Wineglass!”
You should have left the talk there. I am sure every word of it is true. It was wonderful to read. Mr Hutton is amazing, and so are you. Roz
now i am curious and intrigued to learn more of the contents of the talk with me Hutton but also I respectbPhilip’s choice
i have only recently discovered Philip Carr -Gomm and began to follow his blogs and follow up links that i am drawn to. i consider being introdeced to this site via a dear friend of mine a true gift and a Grace and am very grateful
This has long been my favorite Rumi quote…Last night the moon came dropping her clothes in the street. I took it as a sign to start singing, falling up into that bowl of sky
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