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" The songs of our ancestors

are also the songs of our children "

The Druid Way

Druid Mysteries

Ancient Wisdom for the 21st Century

9780712661102-largeAuthor: Philip Carr-Gomm
Publisher: Rider, Random House.
Dutch edition: Phagos Press 2003
German editions: Luchow 2004
Bulgarian edition: EastWest 2005
Portuguese edition: Zefiro 2008
Czech edition: Fontana 2008
Foreign editions of original title The Elements of the Druid Tradition (Element Books 1991): Dutch (De Driehoek 1992) Portuguese (Ediouro SA 1994) French (Editions du Rocher 1995) Italian (Arnoldo Mondadori 1999) and Hungarian (Edesviz Kiado 2000)
Publication date: 2002
ISBN: 0712661107
Also available as an e-book

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The spiritual path of the Druids leads us through the beauty and richness of nature to the wild places of the heart.
The ancient teachings of the Druids represent one of the well-springs of inspiration of the Western Spiritual Tradition. In the past Druids and Druidesses were magicians and poets, counsellors and healers, shamans and philosophers. They lived in harmony with the earth and her seasons, and their mysteries were inspired by the magical energies of the natural world. Today the wisdom and the teachings of the Druids continue to inspire spiritual seekers across the world.

In this inspirational book, Philip Carr-Gomm takes us into the sacred grove of the Druid mysteries, showing us how we can transform our lives and deepen our connection with the world of Nature and Spirit. Druid Mysteries explores
* The ancient history of the Druids and its relevance to our lives today
* The separate orders of Bards, Ovates and Druids, and their roles
* Seasonal ceremonies and Druidic concepts of time and place
* Druid circles and stones, trackways and stars
* The secrets of Druid tree and animal lore
* The relationship between Druidry and Wicca.

This is a completely revised and updated edition of The Elements of the Druid Tradition. It includes much new material, and completely new chapters.

A Braille version of The Elements of the Druid Tradition is available from The Royal National Institute for the Blind. Details

Some comments on the original book The Elements of the Druid Tradition:

‘A wonderful way to understand modern Druidry.’ Reviewer from A reader January 10, 1999

‘Many of the myths and misinformation that has surrounded modern Druidry are dispelled in this succinct presentation of the Druid tradition by one of the foremost authorities on Druidry. Along with this study of the history and founding spirituality of classical times are some very practical modern exercises at the end of each chapter that the reader can readily apply to his/her everyday life. The only introduction you’ll ever need!’ Reviewer from

”The current chief of the Order of Bards Ovates and Druids, the world’s largest druid order today, presents a concise and easy-to-read introduction and history of what has become modern druidry. There are no attempts to pretensiously link the current movement with the ancient past and the author portrays a likely evolution of the celtic priesthood without resorting to so-called secret texts, lost documents, or wild speculations – just the facts as known. This work also discusses the three grades within modern druidry, providing a reasonable description of how each functioned, and then compares the current thread with other neo-pagan movements emerging in the second half of the 20th century, such as Wicca. Above all it dispels the myths written mainly by the Romans over the past two millennia. For the open-minded. Read it and see!’ Reviewer from