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" Seek the truth and run from

those who claim to have found it "

after André Gide

The Birth of Modern Paganism

June 10th, 2016
Gerald Gardner & Ross Nichols at Five Acres Naturist resort, Hertfordshire,  by Arthur Billington

Gerald Gardner & Ross Nichols at Five Acres Naturist resort, Hertfordshire, by Arthur Billington

I’ll be giving a talk in Brighton next Saturday‘The Birth of Modern Paganism – a Story about Witches, Druids, Nudism, the Opera, and Italy.’ A talk about two seminal figures in modern Paganism – Gerald Gardner and Ross Nichols. 2pm at Preston Manor, Brighton (where you can visit the exhibition on Witchcraft, Druidry and Paganism). More info.

5 Responses to “The Birth of Modern Paganism”

  1. I second the comment on the artwork. I tip my hat to A.B.

    Philip, we here in the states wish we could be there for many of your talks. What say you if you record a bunch of them and put them on an album via iTunes as you have done with other fare in the past. I would love to hear many of your talks. Would you consider making them available?

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