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we are the blossoms "


Babies Know

October 16th, 2012

Kampa Park, Babies by David Černý at the Kampa Museum, Czech Republic

A friend and her colleagues have developed the Babies Know project. I’ve just seen the website, and it looks really interesting. How we relate to our babies (inner and outer!) forms one of the foundation stones of who we become in the world, and so it makes great sense to give this relationship care and attention. Remarkably it gets very little of this in our world, and the Babies Know project is redressing this balance. Have a look at their website:

One Response to “Babies Know”

  1. Hi Philip, Thank you for blogging about us, we need all the publicity we can get as the world has not yet understood the profound impact of the earliest days. Max tells me you would like to join us on a workshop, please do come, love to have your take on it and be fun to hang out with you for the weekend.
    love to you and the gang. Kitty x

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