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" The world is mud-luscious

and puddle-wonderful "


Awen 6

November 27th, 2009

There is a difference between the inspiration of Awen – that comes to us in flashes, waves, streams of clarity, insight and creativity – and the energy of Nwyfre. Nwyfre is the life-force that flows through our bodies, giving us health and vitality. Nwyfre is like the prana of yoga, or the Chi’ of the Taoists. Ideally, Nwyfre flows strongly through us at all times. Awen, however, visits us like a cool breeze, a ray of sunshine, the gift of rain, which arrives as a blessing, and then leaves us again. Constancy is not a characteristic of Awen – by its nature it comes and goes. But it is our job to encourage it to come more often – to at least try to meet it half-way.