Awen 22
January 19th, 2010
Over the last few months I’ve been posting up a series of thoughts on Awen, which is the term used to describe creative inspiration and divine blessings in Druidry. Here is the last posting in this series:
Awen is milk of the Goddess, seed of the God: divine nectar, flowing creative inspiration. It is like the Amrita of Hinduism, but a little different, like the Grace of the Christians, but a little different, like the Tao of the Taoists, but a little different.
Imagine you can drink Awen – after all Gwion did. When you sip mead from a chalice in a Druid ceremony, imagine that you are drinking the Awen from Ceridwen’s cauldron.
2 Responses to “Awen 22”
The Awen posts have been terrific! Alright, I’ll say, they are most inspirational. I’d love to see a book with your ideas, experiences, and some exercises and meditations to help become aware and develope a personal relationship with Awen. Thank you!
Thank you Abaris! I’ll see what I can do! Blessings, Philip
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