Autumn Retreat 2019

Ashley Ramsden and friend in a performance of Rumi’s mystical poetry for our 2018 Retreat
The Mystic Garden and the Sanctuary of the Heart
An Autumn Retreat weekend with Philip Carr-Gomm
You are warmly invited to a retreat to be held from 3-6 October 2019 at Fintry Retreat House in Surrey, led by Philip Carr-Gomm, a psychologist and writer on spiritual subjects, who leads the Order of Bards Ovates and Druids.
Fintry Retreat House is home to the Fintry Trust, and is set in beautiful countryside in the Surrey Hills with woodland walks and extensive views across the landscape. The atmosphere of the house and grounds is perfectly suited to this contemplative retreat, which is inspired by the idea of ‘The Mystic Garden and the Sanctuary of the Heart’.
During the retreat there will be time for poetry and conversation about the spiritual life, and time for individual reflection, interspersed with healing and restorative meditations and exercises drawn from psychology and the wisdom traditions.
The retreat cost is £345 to include full board (vegetarian catering). The residential accommodation is limited to 14 participants (with 6 single rooms available on a first-come basis, and 4 twin rooms). There are further non-residential places at £260 (to include lunch and dinner each day).
(NB For those who have attended the 2018 retreat, the programme will follow a very similar pattern, with similar meditations and exercises.)
To book, please contact the Administrator (
Tel +44 (0)1428 682621 (during morning office hours)
Fintry, Church Lane, Brook, nr Godalming, Surrey GU8 5UQ
In 2016 I gave a talk entitled ‘Druid Wisdom’ at Fintry House. They were filming at the time and have sent me a clip which gives you a glimpse into the building and its gardens: