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" Seek the truth and run from

those who claim to have found it "

after André Gide

An Italian Diary

October 6th, 2008

In a perfect world I would write a book about our recent visit to Italy:

Chapter 1 – The Goddess Europa, Mussolini’s Castle and Crazy Italian Witches

Chapter 2 – The Secret Temples of Valchiusella Valley and the Trees that Sing

Chapter 3 – At the Headquarters of Opus Dei – the Magnificence of Rome and Deep-fried Artichokes

Chapter 4 – Return to Milan – and Death by Eating

Other obligations will almost certainly prevent this book from ever being written, so here’s the abridged version of Chapter One. More to follow!

In the sunshine near a shrine to the Goddess Europa, in a castle rebuilt by Mussolini and used by the SS as a fortress, Stephanie and I participated in a ‘DruidCraft Conference’ attended by an enthusiastic bunch of Witches, Druids and Pagans. Here we are in the courtyard engaged in a ‘Round Table’ discussion on the virtues of organisation vs. disorganisation (click on images to enlarge):

Italians are world-famous for their impassioned hand gestures. Davide facing us in the picture below was particularly expert with his hands and arms, and here he is engaged in vigorous debate with Druid, jeweller and ex-Rock star Ossian:

One Response to “An Italian Diary”

  1. HOY!
    I WANT to comment!
    And I want this book to be written! 🙂
    Reading the first two chapters’ titles made me complain about not being with all of you those 2 days (argh, let’s get more organized next year!) and reading the title to the last chapter made me laugh wildly (which is not good, as I’m in the office at the moment…): my goodness, that Italian supper on Saturday night must have been a sort of a nightmare for you and Stephanie!
    I’m really really looking forward to reading the following stories and view more pictures!

    Thanks for your humor and – as everybody kept saying again and again – come back soon!!

    Hugs to you both, Chiara (the blond, Milan)

    PS erm… what about the boiler then?

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