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" If the world is a tree,

we are the blossoms "


An Amazing Summer Ahead

April 4th, 2016

There are some fantastic events planned for OBOD members and friends in the UK this summer:

IN JUNE – from 4th-5th we have the annual Summer Gathering in Glastonbury. Details in the members’ mag Touchstone soon! Following that, on the Sunday I’ll be running a workshop with our Mentor Coordinator Susan Jones, on ‘How to Give a Workshop or Talk’ – based on 25 years experience. That will be on the Sunday afternoon and all day Monday 5th-6th June. £40 for members only. To book email events@

IN JULY from 22nd-31st White Horse Camps offer members and friends a Druid camp experience. For info go here. Very brief video from a camper here:

IN AUGUST from 20th – 21st there will be another One Tree Gathering, at Beaumanor Hall in Leicestershire.The theme for the meeting this year is ‘building the sacred bond between Hindus, Druids and Pagans’. During the weekend we will have lots of interactive time together, and we will be sharing the Hindu ritual of protection Raksha Bandhan, which sounds familiar to Pagans as we end up tying ribbons around trees and ourselves. There will be a bonfire on the Saturday night, a Night Walk, Hindu dancing, a treasure hunt in the woods, and more! If you want to reserve a place for this fully experiential weekend, then drop Keith Southall an email on
See the video below and here.

IN SEPTEMBER – on 3rd there will be the once-only-every-four years Mt Haemus Day. There will be four lectures interspersed with offerings of music and poetry from our talented OBOD Bards. There will be time for discussion, socialising and viewing an exhibition of original Tarot artwork, as well as enjoying the beautiful surroundings. At Sheepdrove Organic Farm, Lambourne, Berkshire – a working organic fame with state of the art conference facilities, committed to sustainability. Details and bookings here. And see this video for a taste of what a Mt Haemus Day is like:

On 22nd – 25th September you can experience Celebrate! An immersion the arts of celebrancy for OBOD members and friends who want to explore working with rites of passage – either in a professional role or simply for themselves and close friends and relatives. In the magical setting of The Asha Centre in the Forest of Dean, we will delve into the essence of ceremony, and consider how the inspiration of druidry can help us to create truly vital rituals for namings, weddings, handfastings, rites of passage and funerals.
The retreat will be facilitated by River Jones who teaches the Order’s online celebrancy courses, and by Eimear Burke, one of Ireland’s first Pagan celebrants to be officially recognised. We will work together to examine the role of the celebrant, and the inspiration, skills, sensitivities, and wisdom we must draw upon in order to create and conduct powerful rituals that are transformative, healing and deeply meaningful occasions for those within and beyond our own spiritual communities. Recognising that each of us brings our unique gifts, experience and resources to this work, the event will be experiential, and include plenty of opportunities for hands-on practice of celebrancy. £310 to include accommodation and all meals. To book email

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