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" The Holy Land is everywhere "

Black Elk

A Solstice Song

June 20th, 2013
Sunrise over Heel Stone, Stonehenge. Photo: Andrew Dunn

Sunrise over Heel Stone, Stonehenge 2005. Photo: Andrew Dunn

Our friend Dirk Campbell has composed a lovely ’round’ for us to sing at our summer solstice celebration on Firle Beacon on Saturday morning. Below are the lyrics and a sound clip. Happy Solstice!

Summer Round

 A rpt. Summer dawn and fire warm

Earth and hearth and heart

B rpt. Sun shines warm for life to grow

Sun’s bright blessing on the Earth below

Solo   Father of the world

Great heart, great fire

Father of us all

Great mind inspire

Light rising in the eastern skies

Light dawning as the eagle flies

Singing summer songs of wonder

12 Responses to “A Solstice Song”

  1. Hello Philip

    Can anyone join in on Saturday morning? If so what time do you meet?


    • Sure Buzzard! It’s at Firle Beacon at 4am Saturday morning! From the car park at top just walk along for about 15 mins to triangulation point. Let’s hope we see the sun! 🙂

  2. Who is the Father addressed in the song? Is it Bel? I’m curious, as being an American recently initiated Bard OBODy, i’m not so familiar with Celtic practice as done in England. Can you say something about this?
    Thanks! Rylin /|

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