A Poem for the Solstice
Being involved with the Order of Bards Ovates & Druids means we are in touch with a host of very gifted people all over the world – and in particular poets. Every poem Sarah Fuhro from Boston writes inspires me. She just sent this one for the Solstice tonight:
Row the Boat
When you row a boat,
a rowboat, a dory,
you row backwards,
and, so you must,
in this contrary style,
keep observing,
over your shoulder,
where you’re going.
And let’s say,
you want to get
you, and your boat
out to the lighthouse.
The lighthouse
pulls you home,
calls you home.
Well, you must,
face away from home.
in order to get there,
with your oars
swinging around,
your neck stiff
and the sweet light
of the battered moon rise
to the front of you.
Old Moon’s in concert with
the revolving eye
of the light house tower,
which lies behind you,
but is the future.
Now focus on the Moon
as you row strong away.
So long, Moon Lady,
send me to the beacon,
send me home again.
Sarah Fuhro
2 Responses to “A Poem for the Solstice”
….what I meant was beautiful… 🙂
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