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A Moment That Changed Modern Paganism

March 17th, 2018

I am re-blogging here a fantastic post by Damh the Bard:

Thinking About – A Moment That Changed Modern Paganism
When the Pagan community comes together with an open heart amazing things can happen. I have witnessed it at the OBOD Summer and Winter Gatherings in Glastonbury each year, at many Pagan gatherings around the world, and I felt it again this past weekend at the Pagan Federation Devon and Cornwall conference.

I have been going to the PF D and C conference since it was in a tiny little pub on the high street of Tintagel in February 2000 and have played my music there at pretty much every one since (apart from the one when I cracked a rib just days before, chasing Oscar around the garden and slipping on some wet decking…). As some of you may know I was born in Cornwall, so a chance to go back each year and spend time with friends in a place I love is a gift to me.

This weekend was their 20th Anniversary event with speakers including Julian Vayne, Penny Billington, Marian Green, Suzanne Rance and Professor Ronald Hutton. Most of the speakers’ talks were about Paganism, the changes over the past 20 years, and where it could be going. Absolutely fascinating perspectives on my beloved Path. There was also a panel on which I sat as we answered questions from the audience. A Gemini’s dream quite frankly. The more challenging the question the better, with no time to think. I loved it.

There is literally so much to write about but I will focus on just one thing in this article.

During the panel the question was asked,

“What is one thing or moment that changed Paganism over the past 20 years?”

I wasn’t the first to answer so had a little time to consider it, as it wasn’t something I had been asked before. Some answers included the affect the reverence to the Goddess has done for women and feminism, another answer was the influence of the internet, but there, right next to me, was Ronald Hutton. I had my answer…to read the entire post click here.

3 Responses to “A Moment That Changed Modern Paganism”

  1. I think it is more of a multiplicity of factors that propelled the change not only the goddess factor. We must consider the biodiversity crisis and the mass extinction of species largely caused directly and indirectly by human activities, climate change etc. The failure of the revealed religions to fill the gaps, but quite the opposite insiting division and separation. Pagan paths derive from the most ancestral spiritualities of humankind. It’s just one big wake up call from our deepest collective memories to do something or we won’t be around for much longer.

  2. Damn… What a beautiful perspective!! So true… As I read your words, I felt the truth of it to my core. Thank you. /|\

  3. Ooops sorry for the misspelling of your name… Damh …. My computer has a mind of it’s own 🙂

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