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" If the world is a tree,

we are the blossoms "


A Micro-Retreat with Honeysuckle

November 25th, 2019

Our relationship with plants changes with the weather. Now that it’s wet and stormy, a tree has blown down in our garden. The autumn colours are beautiful, but there are no more sweet perfumes in the air. I long for the smell of jasmine, hyacinth, honeysuckle…

Plants have been on my mind too because of two communications I’ve received in the last week. This wonderful book by the Seed Sistas… and news of a great project involving Natural Dyes…

The Sensory Herbal Handbook is a pleasure to hold and leaf through. Beautifully illustrated with a very contemporary feel, it’s – as its blurb says – “written for anyone who has heard the whispers of the wild and has been stirred to know more, for those with a political conscience and for lovers of the outdoors. Whether you are new to the ways of herbs or already a practising herbalist, it explains how you can take your physical and mental health into your own hands using the plants that grow around you. Sensory Herbalism is a unique system of health devised by the Seed Sistas over 20 years of practice. It combines traditional herbal knowledge with an understanding of how the elements (water, fire, air, earth and spirit) and the ever-changing seasons interact with the human body. Their approach blends science, medicine, creativity, ritual, magic and fun into practical, easy-to-use tools that guide readers in developing their own relationship with plants.” I can’t wait to get stuck in!

The other project I’ve heard from is The Wild Dyery who teach natural fabric dyeing and offer workshops, dyeing kits and so on. Justine from The Wild Dyery was interested in the references to natural dyes in The Druid Plant Oracle. Have a look at their website here.

4 Responses to “A Micro-Retreat with Honeysuckle”

  1. Hay philip ♡
    I was in a very bad spot yesterday and you being you yesterday and the meditation made me smile. I directly decided to order the book. Working with your druid craft tarot gave me some new perspectives today and I look forward to my future again. Druidcraft en you give me the conaction to earthly life l need so much. Thank you lots ♡

    • I am so pleased it helped Yvette and that you find the Druidcraft Tarot helpful -that’s lovely to know.

  2. Greetings Philip 🙂 Thank You! Well Said & Well Done! I Love the Druid Plant Oracle Deck; Especially the Restorer Card! I remember the synchronistic arrival of my Ovate Gwersu, as I was working on (& receiving) my “Master of Herbology” Degree. I Love Honeysuckle too!

    Just before reading this, I signed up for the “Transformation Through Tarot” course. My cards have been “Calling To Me,” & when I saw the email for the course, I knew Why. 🙂 In the 90s I created a process called “Hypnotherapeutic Tarot.” I haven’t been doing very much the past few years with my decks, so it’s time to get back to it.

    I enjoyed the lovely Micro-retreat! I created a Hypnotherapy CD in 2004 for micro-retreats (also helpful for sleep). I donated one to the OBOD during the courses (now with new labels & covers). It includes a guided “Journey to Serenity Sanctuary.” I also visit my “Inner Sacred Grove.” Bubble baths, massages, quick trips to the mountain, lake, or ocean are helpful. I find that playing my instruments, singing or listening to music can be a therapeutic retreat. Many Blessings for a Merrie Alban Arthan. /|\

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