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Blogging, Surfing, Existentialism and a Lion

November 27th, 2007

One of the amusing effects of having a blog is that you can read what terms people use in search engines to get to your blog. To date the oddest is ‘Bart nevermore soundbyte’. That surfer must have arrived as a result of my mentioning the word soundbyte in a post a few days ago. This means that if I now say ‘existentialism’ I should get a bunch of philosophers surfing their way here.

For the philosophers, and everyone else here is something heart-warming to watch:

One Response to “Blogging, Surfing, Existentialism and a Lion”

  1. aaaarh that’s nice……
    Now if we can get the World’s most dangerous and successful predator to hug everyone like that then maybe peace will arrive in this world. Who am I talking about – us……
    I off to give someone a hug…

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